Armadillos | Elizabeth Hartman
Around the Town | Villa Rosa
Bespoke Stars | Krista Moser – The Quilted Life
Cattle Call | Art East Quilting Co.
Fold & Go Folio | Amy Barickman ***
Gummies | Villa Rosa
Harmony | Villa Rosa
Hedgehog & Hare | Around the Bobbin
Hexagon Braid Runner | Sheila Christensen
Hole In One | Villa Rosa
Honey Buns | Villa Rosa
Kinfolk | Wren Collective
Macarons | Villa Rosa
Mixed Metals | Quiltachusetts
Mod Cabins | Quiltachusetts
Notes to Self | Sarah Ruiz Quilts
Ombre Cabins | Pine Tree Country Quilts
Ombre Pinwheel Party | Needle in a Hayes Stack
Pretty Little Things | Quilts Illustrated
Pumpkin Patch | Villa Rosa
Puppy Love | Villa Rosa
Rainbow Falls | Wren Collective
Scrappy Squeeze Pouch | Zakka Workshop
Spin Cycle | Villa Rosa
Stellar Translucence | Hobbs Designs